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A survey and some studies carried out by Oxford University have shown percentages which despict information, revealing the answer of why many of the people who change their sexual identity take that desition.
To commence, It has been comprobated that the 49 percent of trans-men (people who were identified as female at birth) decided to change their sexuality due to many comments and critics that they´d received from school, out of home or at the streets about their bodies; therefore, in order to please people, they changed their identity, so that, they didn´t feel stalked. Furthermore, 21 percent of trans-men did the neccesary proccess to convert their body into a man´s body, since they heard constantly reviews of how they should behave for being a female, or some especific things they were obligated to do for their natural gender (principally from men); thus, they took the desition of changing their physicial appereance in order to feel empowered and stay away from the critics.
However, there is a 30 percent left in this section, that transgender people, especified the fact that, they felt that they were born that way.
With that total of 100 percent, the next section was about if they at one point of their life as trans-men felt that they took the wrong desition; where surprisingly, the 18 percent of the 30 percent of the people which said that "they felt they were born that way" said "yes", that they felt they took the wrong option. Besides, more than a half of the 70 percent of people which changed their identity due to critics and comments, also, thought that they took the wrong way.

On the other hand, when it was about trans-women (people who were assigned as "man" when they were born), some aspects definitely change.
First of all, the studies could analyze that 47 percent of trans-women, decided to change their physical state due to some activities they used to do as children; to illustrate it, this 47 percent spent their most of the time with girls and doing the activities that female individuals usually do. Moreover, 28 percent of men who now ientify themselves as "women", decided it because of comments and critics about their bodies. Continuing, the one quarter of trans-women left, advocated for the fact that "they were born that way"; nevertheless, they were asked the same question as the trans-men, "have you ever felt that you took the wrong desition", and the 61 percent of them accepted that at some points of their lives, they just want to come back as they were, because it is more a psychological matter than a way of living.

Studies, also comprobates that being transgender carry many health issues.
Further, having in mind that more than a half of transgender people polled consider that it is a psychological matter, and many of them feel wrong about the desition they took; being transgender should first be analyzed by psychologists and specialized people on the health section.

Hence, It could be conclude that being transgender is a topic that should be taken carefully, because once you changed your body, it is extremately difficult to revert that desition. Also, considering that, there are times when people feel they took the wrong desition, they can´t be considerated as the gender they say they are. Instead, they have to be treated as their biological gender.

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